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A bandwidth microwave second harmonic generator is successfully designed using composite right/left-handed nonlinear transmission lines (CRLH NLTLs) in a GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology. The structure parameters of CRLH NLTLs, e.g. host transmission line, rectangular spiral inductor, and nonlinear capacitor, have a great impact on the second harmonic performance enhancement in terms of second harmonic frequency, output power, and conversion efficiency. It has been experimentally demonstrated that the second harmonic frequency is determined by the anomalous dispersion of CRLH NLTLs and can be significantly improved by effectively adjusting these structure parameters. A good agreement between the measured and simulated second harmonic performances of Ka-band CRLH NLTLs frequency multipliers is successfully achieved, which further validates the design approach of frequency multipliers on CRLH NLTLs and indicates the potentials of CRLH NLTLs in terms of the generation of microwave and millimeter-wave signal source.
In the past two decades, an implementation of composite right/left-handed transmission line (CRLH TL) exhibiting anomalous dispersion was proposed to describe the left-handed material (LHM) characterized by antiparallel group and phase velocity, leading to the rapid development of novel microwave devices and circuits.[1–3] Recently, nonlinearity is combined with the anomalous dispersion exhibited by CRLH TLs to form nonlinear left-handed material used to analyze the unique nonlinear wave propagation phenomena,[4–12] among which harmonic generation is very promising and can be used to provide reliable millimeter-wave power for local oscillators due to the lack of an efficient and stable source at millimeter-wave frequency.[13] The performances of composite right/left-handed nonlinear transmission lines (CRLH NLTLs), such as nonlinearity and bandpass response, can be used to effectively generate harmonics in the radio frequency and millimeter frequency.[4] The CRLH NLTLs have been proved to be a typical planar transmission line implementation of metamaterial,[3,14] compatible with the standard GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology, Si technology, and printed circuit board designs,[15] which show low-loss and broad-bandwidth performances and widely obtain microwave applications.[4–18] Some attempts have been made to design the MMIC harmonic generator.[16,17] When compared with a frequency multiplier based on an FET,[19,20] one based on CRLH NLTLs is self-matched over a much wider frequency range and no additional matching network and filter are needed. The harmonic components are generated and propagate along the CRLH NLTLs, and then the corresponding harmonic signal will be selected and suppressed, which is determined by the anomalous dispersion performances of CRLH NLTLs and the nonlinearity characterized by the nonlinear capacitor.
In this paper, we report the design, fabrication, and measurement of a Ka-band broadband MMIC harmonic generators based on CRLH NLTLs, reveal the means to improve the second harmonic frequency of CRLH NLTLs, and explore the intrinsic relationship between harmonic characteristics and structure parameters of CRLH NLTLs. We thus experimentally investigate the CRLH NLTLs from the viewpoint of the development of harmonic generation.
CRLH NLTLs periodically consist of a left-handed (LH) series nonlinear capacitance (
CRLH NLTLs represent an anomalous dispersion accurately characterized by[3]
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The design steps of the harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs are as follows.
Design the nonlinear capacitor with strong nonlinearity and small capacitance, whose fabrication process is compatible with the GaAs MMIC technology. The corresponding epitaxial layers of the nonlinear capacitor are first developed, and then the device model, used to design the harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs, should be accurately proposed. The capacitance value ( Design the LH shunt inductor. The inductance ( Extract the structural parameters of a CRLH NLTL unit without nonlinear capacitors and the number of CRLH NLTL sections (N) by HB simulation in ADS. These parameters correspond to the maximum second harmonic output power at the desired input frequency. Then the equivalent distributed capacitance ( Dispersion characteristics analysis, which is carried out to ensure that the desired second harmonic frequency is in the lower LH passband characterized by characteristic frequencies
If the desired second harmonic frequency is not in the passband of CRLH NLTLs, steps i–iv will be repeated until the requirement is satisfied by adjusting the active area of the nonlinear capacitor or the geometry structure of the LH shunt inductor.
As a demonstration of utilizing the nonlinear transmission line metamaterial as a second harmonic generator, a Ka-band MMIC doubler on CRLH NLTLs has been designed, fabricated, and measured in house. The fabrication process of CRLH NLTLs is similar to those reported in Refs. [17] and [22], and the corresponding photograph of a fabricated five-unit cell CRLH NLTLs with a compact length of 7.16 mm is depicted in Fig.
The passive components of CRLH NLTLs are made in GaAs MMIC technology on the 350 μm GaAs substrate, and specifically the capacitance and inductance are implemented in the form of two metal layers shown in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) (a) The measured and simulated S-parameter characteristic of a CRLH NLTL unit without PSVDs. (b) The measured C–V characteristic of nonlinear capacitance in a CRLH NLTL unit. |
The nonlinear capacitances are also implemented by PSVDs shown in Fig.
When compared with the simulated S-parameters result, based on the fact that passive components are obtained by full-wave HFSS and nonlinear PSVDs are replaced by the equivalent circuit model, the measured S-parameters magnitude of five-unit CRLH NLTLs is represented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Comparison of the measured and simulated S-parameters characteristic for the Ka-band MMIC harmonic generator on five-unit CRLH NLTLs. |
The large signal performances of the Ka-band MMIC harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs were measured on-wafer by an Agilent E3334A (3 Hz to 42.9 GHz) spectrum analyzer and the input signal was provided by an Agilent E8257D vector signal generator. When a 15 GHz 20 dBm input signal was fed into CRLH NLTLs, it can be found from Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. Spectrum of the harmonics of the Ka-band MMIC harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs fed by 15 GHz 20 dBm input signal. |
The fabricated Ka-band MMIC harmonic generator was measured as a function of second harmonic frequency and input power. As shown in Fig.
To explore the intrinsic relationship between structure parameters of CRLH NLTLs and harmonic characteristics such as second harmonic bandwidth and frequency range, output power, and conversion efficiency, the K-band MMIC harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs was also used to compare.[17] Table
![]() | Table 1. Comparison of K-band and Ka-band MMIC harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs. . |
Several harmonic generators on CRLH NLTLs are summarized in Table
![]() | Table 2. Comparison of harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs. . |
CRLH NLTLs metamaterial is successfully used to design a broadband Ka-band MMIC harmonic generator. A good agreement between the measured and simulated harmonic performances effectively validates the proposed design procedure of the harmonic generator on CRLH NLTLs. It has been demonstrated that a 7.85-dBm peak second harmonic output power at 29.6 GHz and low phase noise of 107 dBc/Hz@100 kHz at 10-kHz offset are successfully obtained, and that the second harmonic output power is above 0 dBm over every broad frequency range from 24.4 to 43 GHz when a 20 dBm input large signal is fed. The second harmonic output power is sensitive to frequency and the corresponding harmonic frequency should be in the passband of CRLH NLTLs to avoid severe attenuation in the stopband due to RH and LH TL impedance mismatch. When compared with the Ka-band MMIC harmonic generator, another K-band one based on the same design procedure is also used to explore the intrinsic relationship between harmonic characteristics and structure parameters of CRLH NLTLs such as host TL and rectangular spiral inductor. It has been experimentally demonstrated that the second harmonic frequency is determined by the anomalous dispersion of CRLH NLTLs and can be significantly improved from K-band to Ka-band by effectively reducing the LH shunt inductance and RH equivalent distributed capacitance
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